Hello Everyone 👋, I'am Yadi Apriyadi

Fullstack Developer

Coding, Eat, Pray, Learn, Sleep and Repeat.

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Yadi ApriyadiYadi Apriyadi

About Me

More and more to learn!

I am Yadi Apriyadi, a Junior To Mid Programmer with more than 2 year experience. I am a hard worker with experience building simple web applications to complex web applications. With this experience I have succeeded in creating website-based applications such as e-commerce applications, student data management applications, etc.

Connect with me

These are my social media which you can connect by following this one.


Waysbeans Capture


This is my task result from Dumbways Id. - E-Commerce Web App

Tech Stacks:

NPM Exposql-Queries Capture


My First Package Manager Project, this is a package module for querying the postgresql database in Framework EXPRESSjs such a eloquent orm in Laravel.

Tech Stacks:

Jewel Capture

Jewel - Landing Page

This is a landing page that I made without using any framework, and is also a challenge from Responsive Web Design FreeCodeCamp. However, the challenge looks different because something has to be added to complete the test.

Tech Stacks:

Mobile App Dumbways Capture

Dumbways (Mobile App)

This is my task result from Dumbways Id. - Mobile App

Tech Stacks:

Technical Documentation Capture

Technical Document Page

This is a Technical document page that I made without using any framework, and is also a challenge from Responsive Web Design FreeCodeCamp.

Tech Stacks:

JIEP Capture


This is main website from JIEP, we rebuild each element of JIEP with fresh or modern website.

Tech Stacks:



This is ppid website from JIEP, we rebuild each element of PPID JIEP with fresh or modern website.

Tech Stacks:

Jiep Record Center Admin Capture

JIEP Record Center

Helps create features (Pemusnahan, Otorisasi), debungging, etc.

Tech Stacks:

Jiep Record Center Customer Capture

JIEP Record Center (Customer)

Helps create features (Pemusnahan, Otorisasi), debungging, etc.

Tech Stacks:

Siswa Pintar Edu Capture

Siswa Pintar Edu (LMS)

Rebuild website and add more features

Tech Stacks:


Programming Languages

Frontend Development

Backend Development

Fullstack Development

Game Development

State Management Libraries

Mobile App Development


Backend as a Service(BaaS)


Static Site Generators



Certificate Graduation Dumbways

Graduation from dumbways.id batch 34

Roblox Youtubers Indonesia


Contact Me